Transition Series

About Us

The Transition Series is a comprehensive initiative designed to support both new and ongoing campus students as they transition in and out of campus life. This event encompasses a diverse range of workshops, activities, and informational sessions, each addressing crucial aspects of campus life, career preparedness, personal growth, and community engagement.

Some of the topics covered in the Transition Series include:-

  • Adulting 101
  • Studentpreneurship (Student Income Game Plan)
  • Strategies for Enhancing the Value of Your Academic Journey
  • Cultivating Resilience
  • The domino effect of choices
  • Building your social network

Sponsorship Opportunities


Audience Engagement

Sponsors interact with a diverse audience, fostering connections and loyalty, while gaining valuable insights into the younger generation's needs and aspirations and staying updated on innovative STEM education and entrepreneurship trends.

Social Impact

Sponsors contribute to the educational and career development of young individuals, making a lasting impact on future leaders, while demonstrating corporate social responsibility and enhancing a positive public image through support of an event that celebrates education and innovation.

Talent Access

At the STEM Career Fair, you will connect with a diverse pool of potential talent, ideal for identifying and recruiting students and potential employees who align with your industry needs.

Join as a Sponsor

Exhibition Opportunities


  • Conduct face-to-face meetings with a highly targeted and engaged audience.
  • Generate fresh business leads and create new connections.
  • Meet with existing customers and gain access to a new range of potential customers.
  • Engage with leaders and senior decision makers from across the African STEM landscape.
Join as an Exhibitor

Highlights From Past Events